for Worship

By: Ryan Brasington

Hey Church!

Take a look at this short poem from the great 20th century preacher, Charles Spurgeon:

There are a host of good reasons to wake up and go to church on Sundays. Studies suggest that the benefits of regular church attendance include “reduced hazard of death from despair” (i.e. death by suicide or substance abuse), improved overall mental and physical health, and increased academic and social/behavioral performance of youth, to name only a few. 

The findings of such studies should not surprise us in the least; the Bible makes it abundantly clear that the fellowship of Christian community is absolutely essential for a thriving life. But when we gather together on Sunday mornings, Spurgeon would remind us that we “go there…” for one purpose alone: “…to worship God.” Let He who did not spare His own Son for us graciously add blessings of happiness, friendship, and satisfaction in life to those who worship Him. But we must remember to seek Him first… only then will these be added as well.

Prepare yourself in heart (confession and submission to the Lord), mind (prayer and meditation His Word), and body ( get a good night of rest!) to give God your very best offerings of worship this Sunday.

Your brother, 
