for Worship

By: Ryan Brasington

Hey Church!

This Sunday we will close our service with a song called “Goodness of God.” You may recognize it because of its popularity on the radio and in many other churches, though we have only sung it once or twice here at Rio. As I reflected on the question God asked Jonah (“Do you do well to be angry?”), I was reminded that gratitude is often the cure for discontentment. Thus the song we will sing together: “All my life you have been faithful. All my life you have been so, so good. With every breath that I am able, I will sing of the goodness of God.” 

As you prepare for worship this weekend, make it a point to personalize those words by recalling God’s past faithfulness to you. Offer short prayers of gratitude with each instance that comes to mind. How have you seen His goodness in… (just a few categories here to help get your thoughts stirring) 

The things you most love to do? 
Your personal testimony? 
Your gifts/talents/skills?
The gifts/talents/skills of others? 
The arts/music/visual media? 
Food and drink? 
God’s Word? 
Your work? 
Your health? 
God’s provision?
Your house? 
Your material possessions? 
Your church community?
Answered prayers? 
Leisure and luxuries? 
Your education? 
Jesus’ transforming work? 
Your opportunities? 
Your successes and failures? 
God’s nature and works? 

Life is hard. It is not difficult to think of the things we lack, or of the pains we suffer. But it takes intentional effort to remember all of the many things we do have. This weekend, try to reframe your circumstances along that line of thinking.

“Some people grumble that roses have thorns. I am grateful that thorns have roses.” – Alphonse Karr

“Rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances.” (1 Thess. 5:18)

Your brother,


Keith Getty, Stuart Townend CCLI Song #3350395 © 2001 Thankyou Music CCLI License #692967