Rio Vista Church

Prepare for Worship (weekend of January 14th)

Prepare for Worship (weekend of January 14th)

Prepare for Worship (weekend of January 14th)

Prepare for Worship (weekend of January 14th)

Hey Church!

The song, “Highlands (Song of Ascent),” is a Rio-family favorite, without a doubt! It is by FAR your most requested song. What’s interesting to me is that it is also the most poetically challenging song in our repertoire. It’s one that takes an extra measure of focus and thoughtfulness for me to sing in a meaningful way, so I figured it might help you engage with it even more deeply this Sunday if I shared how I interpret its message. 
The song’s lyrics are copied below with my commentary in italics
Highlands (Song Of Ascent)

Verse 1
O how high would I climb mountains
If the mountains were where You hide
O how far I’d scale the valleys
If You graced the other side
The meaning of the first and second verses will be wrapped up nicely in the first pre-chorus with the line, “I would search and stop at nothing. You’re just not that hard to find.” When we sing these words, we express the double truth that our soul’s deepest longing is to experience the nearness of His presence and that His presence is always near. 

The authors subtitled this song, “Song of Ascents,” which was a genre of songs sung by pilgrims on the way to the Temple on Jerusalem’s mount. There are a total of 15 songs in the Bible with such a designation (Psalms 120-134). When worshipers would go up to the Temple in Jerusalem for the three required festivals of the Jewish year, they would sing these songs of praise along the way. Since Jerusalem was elevated among the mountains, their journey involved a literal ascent–a fairly steep slope even to this day. 

Verse 2
O how long have I chased rivers
From lowly seas to where they rise
Against the rush of grace descending
From the source of its supply

To paraphrase verse two, I think it means something like, “O how long have I chased after things that I thought would quench my thirst, only to discover they were bitter as sea-water and robbed me of life. Despite (against) my foolishness and the lusts of my flesh, a rushing waterfall of grace descends out of God’s infinite, inexhaustible supply.” 
‘Cause in the highlands and the heartache
You’re neither more nor less inclined
I would search and stop at nothing
You’re just not that hard to find
We walk through high places where we feel close to God and we pass through valleys, where darkness envelops us and we cannot perceive Him. Nonetheless, God is equally and constantly lavish in the grace and love He pours out for us.
I will praise You on the mountain
I will praise You when the mountain’s in my way
You’re the summit where my feet are
So I will praise You in the valleys all the same
No less God within the shadows
No less faithful when the night leads me astray
(‘Cause) You’re the heaven where my heart is
In the highlands and the heartache all the same

I will praise Him in the seasons of joyful plenty and I will praise Him when immovable forces hinder my progress. He is the Rock-summit on which we stand, even when we must walk through life’s valleys. Though we cannot perceive Him there, in the shadows, and though we are so often seduced to leave the path He has set us on, still, God is unwavering in His faithful pursuit of sinners. 

Verse 3
O how far beneath Your glory
Does Your kindness extend the path
From where Your feet rest on the sunrise
To where You sweep the sinner’s past

The humility of our God, whose glory is inapproachable yet whose kindness extends from the heights of heaven (where His feet rest) to the lowest sea (where He remembers our sin no more). He has descended far beneath His glory to rescue us.

Verse 4
And O how fast would You come running
If just to shadow me through the night
Trace my steps through all my failure
And walk me out the other side

He is the Good Shepherd who delivers us out of the dark, miry clay, and sets our feet firmly on the rock of our salvation. 

For who could dare ascend that mountain
That valleyed hill called Calvary
But for the One I call Good Shepherd
Who like a lamb was slain for me

He walks me out the other side of all my brokenness and redeems me as His son or daughter by way of “that valleyed hill,” Calvary, where the cross of His death became the source of my everlasting life. 

Whatever I walk through, wherever I am
Your Name can move mountains wherever I stand
And if ever I walk through the valley of death
I’ll sing through the shadows my song of ascent

I love the line, “And if ever I walk through the valley of death, I’ll sing through the shadows my song of ascent” because it gives voice to this amazing paradox: our descent into the valley–the hard, dark places–is where we share in the sufferings and humility of Christ and, thereby, ascend with Him to a place of honor and glory. Put simply, whoever humbles himself (or, is forcibly humbled by the circumstances God allows him to endure) will be exalted. Even our dark-valley seasons are truly an ascent of the soul. 

My song of ascent
My song of ascent 

From the gravest of all valleys
Come the pastures we call grace
A mighty river flowing upwards
From a deep but empty grave
From the resurrection of Christ come the green pastures of grace. His Spirit is a mighty river “flowing upwards from a deep but empty grave,” unto the praise of the Father in heaven. 

Benjamin Hastings | Joel Houston
© 2018 Hillsong Music Publishing Australia (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) CCLI License # 692967

In preparation for worship this weekend, keep “Highlands” on rotation in your music playlists. Meditate on its lyrics and the wonderful grace of the Savior it praises. Lastly, reflect on the words of Psalm 24 below and come Sunday morning ready to give God your very best worship! 
Psalm 24
The King of Glory

A Psalm of David.

1 The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof,
the world and those who dwell therein,
2 for he has founded it upon the seas
and established it upon the rivers.

3 Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD?
And who shall stand in his holy place?
4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not lift up his soul to what is false
and does not swear deceitfully.
5 He will receive blessing from the LORD
and righteousness from the God of his salvation.
6 Such is the generation of those who seek him,
who seek the face of the God of Jacob. Selah

7 Lift up your heads, O gates!
And be lifted up, O ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.
8 Who is this King of glory?
The LORD, strong and mighty,
the LORD, mighty in battle!
9 Lift up your heads, O gates!
And lift them up, O ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.
10 Who is this King of glory?
The LORD of hosts,
he is the King of glory! Selah

Your brother,

Songs for Sunday