Rio Vista Church

Serve at Rio

We are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.

2 Corinthians 5:20

All believers are called ambassadors for Christ and that means that our new identity, purpose, and mission ought to change the way we view church. Every week, we have the opportunity to display the love of Jesus to the church in both word and deed through the ways in which we serve generously. In these ways, we believe that God has given us various platforms for mission, in which we can serve generously within the Church. Our Platforms for Mission are the places, ministries, and opportunities where we help others deeply engage with Jesus. As a member of Rio, we believe that you have unique gifts, skills, and visions that our church community needs and we want to challenge you to find ways to strengthen the Church by serving and giving in your specific platform for mission. 

There are many ways to serve at Rio on Sunday mornings as well as other times of the week. So whether your gifting is a welcoming smile, brewing hot coffee, or discipling the next generation, we have a place for you!

To learn more about how you can use your gifts to serve at Rio, click on the following buttons to learn more about each ministry’s service opportunities. Also, we encourage you to fill out the servant leader questionnaire so that we can answer any questions you may have.

Ways to serve:

01. Hospitality Team

Good hospitality is always an outworking of the gospel. It is only in Jesus that we find ourselves now to be the enemy who has been loved, the sinner who is saved, and the stranger who is welcomed. Join us as we welcome people and point them to the greatest gift, Jesus himself.

02. Rio Students

Rio Students exists to be a safe place where 6th-12th grade students can belong as they journey through their beliefs about life, faith, and God in community. Join us as we intentionally point the next generation to the one who freely offers us to Himself. 

03. Rio Kids

At Rio Kids, we value a safe, secure, and hospitable environment where we teach the Gospel and equip children for a lifetime of worship and missional living. Join us as we strive to create experiences where the love and truth of God is creative, relevant and fun!

04. Production Team

Join us as we help prepare the way for people to worship God and experience His goodness without distraction or hindrance. No technical experience required.

05. Lead a Group

The importance of community runs deeper than just fulfilling the need to belong; it is embedded in the very fabric of who we are; it is a part of our design. For this reason, community life is not optional for those who desire to live by the Gospel. Groups provide a family inside the larger family of Rio Vista Church.  Our group leaders provide a platform where people can meet on a bi-weekly basis to connect, discuss personal worship, and pray together.

06. Alpha

At Alpha, we provide a platform where people can explore faith and wrestle with the big questions of life in a fun and nonjudgmental environment.


07. Prayer Team

The prayer ministry at Rio exists with the goal of making our church a house of prayer, a place in which all recognize the importance of and engage in prayer for ourselves, our church, our neighbors and families, and the world. We believe that the transforming, life-giving work of the Holy Spirit only comes through powerful prayer.