Hey Church!
“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.” (Isaiah 40:28)
Scripture makes it abundantly clear that God is incomprehensible to us. If you think about it, it’s only logical that finite beings would be incapable of understanding one who is infinite. What material thing, even in the known universe, could we say, after centuries of scientific analysis, that we really understand with 100% certainty? But the thoughts of God? Not a chance.
Our God is utterly unsearchable in His being and works. And yet He who could never be fully known–not even by the greatest human minds, using the most advanced powers of technology, science, or observation–chose to reveal Himself to us in a way that even a child could understand. This is the amazing reality of theology: we can only know God to the extent that He has told and shown us in the Word and in Jesus, the “Word made flesh.” His self-revelation is the basis for anything knowable about Him. Furthermore, He gives us His Spirit and mind (see 1 Cor. 2) to ascertain the things of heaven, to share His heart for justice and mercy, and to grow evermore into a mirror reflection of His own nature.
What all of this should scream to us about the character of our God is truly astounding! The incomprehensible, invisible, unsearchable, unknowable Creator of all things has chosen to disclose the secrets of heaven to us! Why would He do that except out of pure love for us? Knowing our weaknesses and lack of faith, He stoops low to bring us near to Himself like a hen gathers her chicks (Matt. 23:37).
What stands in the way of your fullest, most joyful abandon in the worship of such a wonderful heavenly Father this Sunday? Give it to Him, lay down your pride, and embrace the One who woos you to Himself with kindness, forgives all of your sins, heals all of your diseases, and gives you an imperishable crown of glory. In crossing the infinite gap from our flesh to His throne room, He has accomplished everything for you, except your willingness to come and receive Him. That’s on you! It’s your job to come into His house hungry for more of His presence this Sunday. So do whatever the Lord may put on your heart to do in order that you can come ready to embrace Him with your whole being.
Your brother,