Rio Vista Church

Good Neighbor Serve Day

On November 9th, under the banner of Church United, Rio Vista Church has the special opportunity to unite with other local churches to collectively serve our city together. At 8:30 AM, we will gather together at Rio Vista Church to begin our morning in a time of corporate worship and prayer, and then we will deploy people out to serve at various serve sites throughout our city. On this day, servant leaders will have the opportunity to choose how they would like to serve as an individual or a family. 

Serve Site Initiatives:
1. Assembling Lovebag Kits for people experiencing homelessness (kits include essential hygiene and survival items).
2. Health Fair Ministry (guests will receive specialized podiatry examinations, haircuts, etc.  from medical professionals as well).
3. Prayer Walks throughout our city
4. Minister to the elderly at a local nursing home
5. Beautification Project at North Side Elementary School

However you choose to serve, we are grateful to have you and your loved ones serve generously with us as we go out in the name of Jesus together! 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Drew Chery at

Joining Day