Rio Vista Church

Personal Worship (Page 22)

Prepare for Worship (weekend of November 12)

Hey Church! This weekend, as you prepare your hearts and minds for Sunday morning, I want to encourage you to set aside a pocket of time to meditate on the lyrics copied below. Watch the videos, learn the melodies (extra credit if you learn the harmonies), and read through the words we will be singing together in church. What scriptures come to mind as you listen and…

Prepare for Worship (weekend of October 29)

Hey Church! In addition to wrapping up our series on the book of Isaiah, we also plan to observe a time of prayer for the persecuted Church this Sunday. It may surprise you to learn that the persecution of our spiritual family is one of the biggest human rights crises of our time. The 2021 World Watch list reports the following statistics.* In just the last year……

Prepare for Worship (weekend of October 22)

Hey Church! We will have the opportunity to receive a fresh grace from God through communion this Sunday. Think about it: we will get to hear, see, smell, taste, and touch the holy Word of God this weekend. In an age where information has been so severely cheapened by the absurd number of options that are immediately available to us, it is easy to take for granted this…