Personal Worship (Page 25)
For the week of August 2
Prepare for Worship (weekend of July 30)
Hey Church! As you prepare for worship this weekend, please take some time to read thoughtfully through the lyrics of the songs we will be singing to God together. As always, there are links to the song on YouTube below, so begin to familiarize yourself with them and personalize the message of each one. You might even try praying these words out loud before you go to bed…
For the week of July 26
Prepare for Worship (weekend of July 23)
Hey Church! During last Sunday’s sermon, we thought about the nature of the “look” that Jesus gave Peter in the moment of his denials. We wondered, when Jesus sees you in your hour of failure and need, what His countenance communicates about His heart toward you. Despite what the Accuser might tempt you to believe, God is not some sort of cosmic taxman,…
For the week of July 19
Prepare for Worship (weekend of July 16)
Hey Church! In our study of Peter’s infamous denials this week, I could not decide how to characterize this most fervent disciple whose boldness often got him in trouble and yet was loved by Jesus and always restored to Him after every fall. Peter is one of the inner-circle three (with James and John) who were beloved by Jesus and fiercely loyal to His mission. On…
For the week of July 12
Prepare for Worship (weekend of July 9)
Hey Church! We have a new song to sing this weekend! It’s called “Amen (Simple Gospel)” by Kari Jobe and I think you’re going to love it! In order to get the most out of it, I thought a short study of the word “amen” would be helpful. The meaning of the Hebrew word, אָמֵן֙ (Pronounced ah-mayn), carries a sense of truth, certainty, and…
For the week of July 5
Prepare for Worship (weekend of July 2)
Hey Church! When you enter the worship center this weekend, things will look quite different than they did just last Sunday. Through the generosity of one of the families in our church, we have been able to install new projection and lighting systems, which we hope will further enhance our ability to communicate the gospel with beauty and clarity. Please watch this short…