Rio Vista Church

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PW 5.25.23

P.R.A.Y PAUSE REJOICE & REFLECT ASK YIELD Personal Worship Thursday, May 25 Which family do I belong to? Together we will pray (P.R.A.Y.) each day – ‘P’: Pausing to be still as we come into the presence of the Lord. ‘R’: Rejoicing as we remember who our God is and what He has done, and Reflecting on His word. ‘A’: Asking God to help us and others. And ‘Y’:…

PW 5.24.23

P.R.A.Y PAUSE REJOICE & REFLECT ASK YIELD Personal Worship Wednesday, May 24 Paul shifts from a historical argument to an allegorical argument today. Together we will pray (P.R.A.Y.) each day – ‘P’: Pausing to be still as we come into the presence of the Lord. ‘R’: Rejoicing as we remember who our God is and what He has done, and Reflecting on His word. ‘A’:…

PW 5.23.23

P.R.A.Y PAUSE REJOICE & REFLECT ASK YIELD Personal Worship Tuesday, May 23 We are back in Galatians today as Paul continues to point us toward the promise! Together we will pray (P.R.A.Y.) each day – ‘P’: Pausing to be still as we come into the presence of the Lord. ‘R’: Rejoicing as we remember who our God is and what He has done, and Reflecting on His word.…

PW 5.22.23

P.R.A.Y PAUSE REJOICE & REFLECT ASK YIELD Personal Worship Monday, May 22 We begin the week in Genesis looking at the story of Sarah and Hagar, which will give us the background we need to be in Galatians the rest of the week. Together we will pray (P.R.A.Y.) each day – ‘P’: Pausing to be still as we come into the presence of the Lord. ‘R’: Rejoicing as we…

Prepare for Worship 05.13.23

Prepare for Worship Saturday, May 13 By: Ryan Brasington START DEVOTIONAL Hey Church! “When we bless God for mercies, we usually prolong them. When we bless God for miseries, we usually end them. Praise is the honey of life which a devout heart extracts from every bloom of providence and grace.”        – Charles Spurgeon* I read that a dozen times and gained new…

PW 5.19.23

P.R.A.Y PAUSE REJOICE & REFLECT ASK YIELD Personal Worship Friday, May 19 Paul ends this week perplexed and shows us his love and determination for the people in Galatia. Together we will pray (P.R.A.Y.) each day – ‘P’: Pausing to be still as we come into the presence of the Lord. ‘R’: Rejoicing as we remember who our God is and what He has done, and Reflecting…

PW 5.18.23

P.R.A.Y PAUSE REJOICE & REFLECT ASK YIELD Personal Worship Thursday, May 18 Today Paul shows us what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Together we will pray (P.R.A.Y.) each day – ‘P’: Pausing to be still as we come into the presence of the Lord. ‘R’: Rejoicing as we remember who our God is and what He has done, and Reflecting on His word. ‘A’:…

PW 5.17.23

P.R.A.Y PAUSE REJOICE & REFLECT ASK YIELD Personal Worship Wednesday, May 17 We all need reminders sometimes. Together we will pray (P.R.A.Y.) each day – ‘P’: Pausing to be still as we come into the presence of the Lord. ‘R’: Rejoicing as we remember who our God is and what He has done, and Reflecting on His word. ‘A’: Asking God to help us and others. And ‘Y’:…

PW 5.16.23

P.R.A.Y PAUSE REJOICE & REFLECT ASK YIELD Personal Worship Tuesday, May 16 Paul today will beautifully put the focus on Jesus and what he has done for his people. Together we will pray (P.R.A.Y.) each day – ‘P’: Pausing to be still as we come into the presence of the Lord. ‘R’: Rejoicing as we remember who our God is and what He has done, and Reflecting on His…

PW 5.15.23

P.R.A.Y PAUSE REJOICE & REFLECT ASK YIELD Personal Worship Monday, May 15 Paul continues today by using a new analogy to get the same point across about the law. Together we will pray (P.R.A.Y.) each day – ‘P’: Pausing to be still as we come into the presence of the Lord. ‘R’: Rejoicing as we remember who our God is and what He has done, and Reflecting on His…