Rio Vista Church

Connect with Us

 There is a lot that takes place on our campus and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to find the new ways to get involved. Whether you’re seeking spiritual growth, community fellowship, or simply a place to belong, we have something special for everyone! Come and be part of our welcoming family as we grow in relationship to Jesus together.

Featured Events

gather  •  connect  •  grow • serve

Potluck + Congregational Meeting

Join us on Sunday, January 19th, at Rio Vista Church for a Potluck Dinner, time of Worship, and Congregational Meeting.

We will meet in the Worship Center for a potluck dinner  After dinner, we will worship and hold our annual Congregational Meeting to vote on New Officers for the Church. Check out the Officer Bios and sign up to bring a dish below!


Alpha is a place to explore the Christian faith with others. It’s a series of 9 interactive sessions filled with conversations focused on the questions of life, faith, and meaning. Each session includes a time to connect with others, hear a talk on some element of the Christian faith, and then a chance for people to share their own questions and perspectives with the group. 

Men's Retreat

In the midst of the increasing demands of Jesus’ ministry, Luke records an important pattern in the life of Jesus: But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer (Luke 5:16). A retreat is where you intentionally step outside of your daily routine, break away from your immediate responsibilities, and give your full attention to God. With the seemingly endless hustle and bustle of life, our hope is that this men’s retreat would refresh your soul and refocus your purpose in life.

Group Fair

We believe life is better with friends who encourage, support, and challenge you to grow in your relationship with Christ.

Rio Men's Breakfast

Rio Men is a ministry of Rio Vista Church that aims to bring men together in community and encourage them on their journey toward Biblical manhood.

Day: Tuesday // January 21
Location: The Attic
Time: 7:30 AM

Rio Women Gathering

This is a place where women of all ages come together in community in order to support each other in whatever age or stage of life they are presently in.

Day: Monday // January 21
Location: Rio Vista Church // Worship Center
Time: 6:30 PM

Rio MOMs

Moms On a Mission meets monthly during the school year and connects moms in a community that is Living, Loving, and Learning together to build strong families.

Day: Friday // January 10
Location: Rio Vista Church // Worship Center
Time: 8:45 AM

Rio Classics

Designed for those 55 or above, Rio Classics is a vibrant adult community focused on developing and deepening friendships, sharing laughter, and creating memories.

Day: Sunday // January 12
Location: Rio Vista Church // ICT
Time: 12:15 PM (immediately following second service)


For questions and more information about how to get connected at Rio, click below to contact a member of our team.