This week’s study notes were written by Will Buschmann, our Co-Director of Student Ministries.
Welcome to week 5 of Desiring the Kingdom. Over the next three weeks we will focus on Solomon’s building of the Temple and all things Temple! We will look at a mix of passages from 1 Kings 6-8 and as you begin reading you will see why.
If you have not yet watched it, we encourage you to take the time to watch the following video from The Bible Project giving an overview of 1st and 2nd Kings. Extremely useful and highly recommended!
Prayer Initiative
Beginning on January 13th and continuing for 11 weeks, Rio Women invites you to join them for their latest prayer initiative, based on the classic book “The Christian’s Secret to a Happy Life.” They meet via Zoom call on Wednesdays at noon. If you can’t attend the meeting, get the book, find a partner, and follow along. (If you have questions or need assistance, email Beth Hendrikse, our Prayer Coordinator, at
Index to Days 2 through 5
Day 1
Generational Preparation
Day 2
Walking with God
Day 3
Details, Details, Details
Day 4
From Tabernacle to Temple
Day 5
Temple Courtyard

Watch for other Personal Worship pushes!