Hey Church!
“Oh sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things!” (Psalm 98:1)
Every now and then I think it’s good to shake up the usual routine in our worship music by programming a song that is a little outside our usual box. For one thing, new music helps keep our services from growing stale and predictable to the point that our souls are no longer moved by the act of singing together. But even more importantly, I think a song that stretches us, whether in style, voice, spirit, heart, or mind, teaches us how to commune with God in any language( sometimes even literally).
So get ready to lean into this new song with a TON of energy, joy, and passion! It is a bold declaration of faith that God is on the move, the darkness is trembling, and revival is about to break loose. “This will be our great awakening! This is our revival anthem.” Lord, let it be so!