Rio Vista Church

Learning Groups

What are
Learning Groups?

There are numerous Learning Groups at Rio Vista Church all of which are designed to aid in increasing biblical literacy and connecting with others seeking to do the same. Most often these groups are hosted at Rio Vista Church, but some have virtual options available. Subjects range from Bible basics for the young believer to more in-depth studies of different books of the Bible.

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Nehemiah lived in a day and age when Judea and Jerusalem were in shambles. More than a century earlier, after God had given them countless warnings to turn away from their wickedness, the Lord withdrew from His temple and allowed the kingdom of Judah to fall. The Babylonians invaded, destroyed the temple, tore down their buildings, demolished the city walls, led the Jews into exile, leaving the holy city of Jerusalem in ruins. When the Jews were finally permitted to return, they had the monumental task of rebuilding the city and rebuilding their covenantal relationship with God. As we watch our own society plunging into decline, Nehemiah offers an encouraging message of hope and a sacred call to action.

Taught by Pastor Sam Kastensmidt

Rio Women Bible Study

Join our 7-week study of Isaiah by Melissa Spoelstra. Isaiah served as God’s mouthpiece to the nation of Judah but also to the surrounding nations. Unpacking Isaiah’s words will reveal that you can trust God more than your own human effort or the counterfeits the world suggests. You won’t be striving harder, but instead trusting more deeply the Faithful One who is so worthy of our utter dependence. In Him you’ll find the comfort and peace you need to sustain you.

Prayer Training

If you would like to learn how to pray for people one on one, sign up for this training course. This is a practical course that you can utilize when praying for coworkers, friends, family, at the grocery store or wherever you might be! 

🗓️ June 15th
🕛 Time: 12-5pm
🏢 Location: Ingram Center


Alpha is a place to explore the Christian faith with others. It’s a series of 9 interactive sessions filled with conversations focused on the questions of life, faith, and meaning. Each session includes a time to connect with others, hear a talk on some element of the Christian faith, and then a chance for people to share their own questions and perspectives with the group. 

Discover Rio

No matter if you’re new to Rio Vista Church or you’ve been attending for a while, Discover Rio is the best way for you to get connected. It is a six-week journey that guides you to learn about who we are, where we’re going, and why you matter!

This class, if you so desire, culminates in membership at Rio.

Rio Women Bible Study

Join a 9-week study of The Sermon on the Mount by Jen Wilkin. Explore the meaning of citizenship in the kingdom of Heaven through Matthew’s gospel, which begins with Jesus delivering His longest recorded message. In this sermon to His disciples, Jesus challenges expectations and addresses key aspects of a Christ-follower’s life. Covering topics such as sin, relationships, the Law, and true righteousness, the sermon prompts us to reconsider our perspectives on repentance, salvation, and sanctification.