Rio Vista Church

Christmas Eve Service

Come Celebrate Christmas!

Services are at 4 & 6 PM.

You are warmly invited to share in the annual tradition of our Christmas Eve services. We will have both contemporary and traditional Christmas music, a special message by Pastor Tom Hendrikse, and we’ll close out with singing by candlelight.

Please note that these services are usually heavily attended, so we recommend arriving early to secure seating for yourself and your party.

How do I get there?

We are located on the edge of the Rio Vista neighborhood which is southeast of Downtown Fort Lauderdale on Federal Highway. Parking is located on the south and north sides of the church building. 


What about my kids?

Don’t worry, we’ve got this. We value equipping children for a lifetime of worship and missional living where the love and truth of God is creative, relevant, and fun!

Rio Littles (infants through PK-4) is a safe and fun environment for infants and preschoolers and will be available at all services on Christmas Eve.


Find the most asked questions and their answers right here.

Our Christmas Eve services are typically 50 minutes long. They’re friendly, encouraging, and full of hope. We will have both contemporary and traditional Christmas music, a special message by Pastor Tom Hendrikse, and we’ll close out with singing by candlelight.

Dress in whatever is most comfortable to you. Most of the people you see on a Sunday will be dressed casual. It is what’s in the heart, not the outward appearance that matters most!

At every service we have greeters stationed at the entrances to welcome you and direct you toward the Welcome Desk.

The Welcome Desk is located in the Fellowship Hall towards the back of the sanctuary, right in front of the wall with all the pictures on it. (Hint: the Fellowship Hall is also where the bathrooms are located.)

Someone from our Hospitality Team will be glad to answer all your questions. While there, don’t forget to pick up your Visitor’s Gift!

On Sunday’s, we welcome middle school and high schoolers to join us in the main service! Throughout the week, they have the opportunity to engage with our student ministry where they will be able to grow in their faith and connect with others. 

Visit our Rio Students page for more information. 

You can belong before you believe. We value authenticity. Rio Vista Church is a safe place for you to bring your thoughts and doubts. When we say, “Come as you are,” we really mean it. You don’t have to pretend here.

Still Have Questions?

We would love to answer any questions you have about Rio Vista Church or Sunday morning worship!