Rio Vista Church

“Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion - it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ."

Billy Graham

At Rio, we believe that the spiritual growth of a Christian is developed through a lifelong commitment to a deepening and fully surrendered personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Relying entirely upon the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, we are called to conform our lives into the likeness of Jesus.

In the New Testament, the Apostle John tells us that when we finally see Jesus face-to-face, “we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is” (1 Jn. 3:2).

At Rio, we want to begin that process — sharing the all-sufficient beauty of Jesus Christ and allowing the Spirit to begin the process of conforming each of us into the likeness of Christ. 

Under the Hood

Join Pastor Sam Kastensmidt and Will Buschmann as they bring Biblical narratives roaring to life. Much like a classic car, the Bible is rich with text that can be difficult to understand with a modern lens. Sam and Will lift the hood on these stories, armed with archeological and historic evidence, to illuminate and affirm the biblical narratives, revealing the presence of Jesus in every story of the Bible.

Personal Worship

Personal Worship is the daily discipline of setting apart time to spend with Jesus through the study of His Word & prayer. At Rio, we have created a daily, self-directed plan which you can utilize as you prepare your heart for Sunday morning worship.

The Bible Show

The Bible Show is a weekly podcast that takes a deeper dive into the stories of the Bible and the gospel’s application for daily living.

Digital Library

Here at Rio, we want to provide an ever-expanding digital library whereby you can grow not only in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ but in applying the Gospel to practical life issues such as Parenting, Marriage, and Prayer. 

Click on the link below to learn more.

Additional Resources

Looking for recommended books? Helpful online resources? The resources below are recommended by our pastors and organized by category.


01. Rio Men

Rio Men is a ministry of Rio Vista Church that aims to bring men together in community and encourage them on their journey toward Biblical manhood. Rio Men is not geared toward any one type of man. Rio Men is for the young, old, father, husband, single, stable, struggling, Christian, and questioning. In short, if you’re a man, Rio Men is for you!

02. Rio Women

Rio Women is a place where women of all ages come together in community in order to support each other in whatever age or stage of life they are presently in. We value a multigenerational ministry such as Rio Women because from one generation to the next we have so much to learn from one another! We look forward to meeting you.

03. Rio MOMs

MOMs meets monthly during the school year and connects moms in a community that is Living, Loving, and Learning together to build strong families. Whether you’re the mother of a 2-year-old or a 42-year-old, we invite you to a place designed just for you! At MOMs you’ll enjoy a time with breakfast, speakers, and friendship where you can rely on the support of other mothers just like you!

04. Rio Classics

Designed for 55 and above, Rio Classics is a vibrant adult community where we develop and deepen friendships, share some laughter and create memories. We invite you to join us as we share our talents and experiences while we pursue and carry out our Father’s mission.