Rio Vista Church

Prepare for Worship (weekend of June 25th)

Prepare for Worship (weekend of June 25th)

Prepare for Worship (weekend of June 25th)

Prepare for Worship (weekend of June 25th)

Hello Rio!

How would you respond if I told you that the scientific and academic communities had discovered that a simple habit could provide you with stunning physical and mental health benefits? No injections required. No prescriptions necessary. This simple practice has existed for thousands of years. In the last few decades, several major universities, government agencies, and private institutions have confirmed that this practice is associated with stunning health benefits. Americans spend $4.1 trillion each year on healthcare, but this treatment is available to every man, woman, and child at no cost! (You should be fairly skeptical by this point.)  

What is this miracle treatment? It is being actively engaged in the life of your church!

  • Researchers from Florida State University, the University of Colorado, and the University of Texas found that people who attend church regularly have a life expectancy that is 7.6 years longer (on average) than those who do not attend church. A separate study conducted by Duke University produced similar results.
  • A study published in The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine reported that church attendance is directly associated with lower blood pressure.
  • A study conducted by Duke University Medical Center revealed that regular churchgoers tend to exhibit superior immune systems.
  • The University of Manitoba conducted a massive study and found that regular churchgoers were dramatically less likely to commit suicide.
  • U.S. News & World Report magazine explained that church attendance “appears to lengthen life expectancy, strengthen immunity, improve the body’s response to stress, and boost other measures of physical health.”
  • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill conducted a study of high school seniors. Researchers found that churchgoers were less likely to drink, struggle with addictions, face depression, engage in violence, receive traffic tickets, be combative with parents, skip school, steal, trespass, and suffer from in-school disciplinary actions. These students were also more likely to have a positive outlook on life, receive higher grades, exercise, experience happier home lives, participate in extracurricular activities, graduate high school, and find stable relationships.
  • USA Today published the findings of a similar study of college students. The article pointed out that churchgoing students “have better emotional and mental health,” while adding that those who did not attend church “are more than twice as likely to report poor mental health or depression.”

Of course, there are far more important and exciting reasons to gather on Sundays. We want to glorify our Savior and grant Him the adoration that He deserves. We want to offer Him our gratitude for everything that we have. We want to express our utter dependence upon His grace and mercy. We come together to care for our eternal souls and the souls of our neighbors.

While church engagement is no guarantee of physical health, there is an undeniable correlation. Three thousand years ago, Solomon wrote, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones” (Proverbs 3:5-8). Three-thousand years later, our modern academics are finding that Solomon was right! Trusting the Lord not only leads to spiritual blessings, but it brings “health to your body and nourishment to your bones.”

So, I will see you at church on Sunday — if you know what’s good for you! (I’m kidding. Mostly.)

Love y’all!
Pastor Sam

Songs for Sunday