Rio Vista Church

Rio House

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

James 1:27

What is Rio House?

With a sincere desire to honor God’s commandment in James 1:27, in 2012 Rio Vista Church opened a multi-unit transitional housing facility called the, “Rio House.” For several years, this facility has served as a safe home for formerly homeless women and their children, offering a healthy environment and loving Christian community to families in need.

We are excited to announce that Rio Vista Church has a great opportunity to continue and deepen the work that God began at the Rio House by partnering with an outstanding ministry called CityHouse. As an organization, CityHouse exists to provide hope and renewal to homeless single mothers and their children. In partnership with CityHouse, Rio Vista Church members will be effectively trained and equipped to continue caring for and serving homeless single mothers and children in our city. 

As we prayerfully enter into this new partnership, Rio Vista Church desires to beautify and renovate the Rio House in order to make some necessary updates to our property, which will help prepare the Rio House to be a place of refuge for these mothers and children. 

For more information on CityHouse, please visit their website: