Rio Vista Church

You're Invited!

Sunday Children’s Church • 9:00am & 11:00am

We exist to help kids grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ by equipping and encouraging the family. We value a safe, secure, and hospitable environment and encourage parents in their primary role as spiritual nurturers.

Our curriculum is Bible-based teachings of essential Gospel truths. The Gospel Project takes kids on a Christ-centered, chronological journey through Scripture. Kids will discover how the gospel unfolds from Genesis through Revelation. When kids truly experience the gospel, their hearts are transformed – One Story Changes Everything!


Infant – Preschool

At Rio Kids Jr., preschoolers enjoy a creative place where they experience weekly stories of the Bible in dramatic and engaging ways. Our objective is to communicate with every child that God loves them always!


Kindergarten – 5th Grade

At Rio Kids, Elementary-age experience the message of the Gospel through worship, games, and large and small group Biblical, interactive lessons. All are designed to tell them God’s Big Story and how it relates to their day-to-day lives, helping them apply God’s Word at school, home, and with friends.

Family Worship

Family Worship is a weekly devotional plan which equips your family to build upon the gospel truths your child learns Sunday in church. We include scripture, questions, and activities for you and your child to engage with throughout the week. It is our goal to give you tools to help model a personal worship practice for your children. 

Our Team

Look below for some familiar faces you can expect to see on Sunday mornings.


Laura Kastensmidt



Liz Lacy

Rio KIDS coordinator


Find the most asked questions and their answers right here.

The Rio Kids check-in desk is located near the south church entrance. Please follow the directional signs or ask any of our morning greeters to point the way!

New families will fill out an informational form and then your child will receive a printed sticker with their name, classroom, any allergy info, and a security code. Parents will receive a sticker with a matching security code for safe and efficient pickup following service.

Upon filling out an application, each potential volunteer must complete a Level 2 background check, personal interview, and reference check. Once accepted they are placed on a team and complete annual training specific to the age and stage where they are serving.


We would love to answer any questions you may have about Rio Kids!